Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Half Day Friday

As luck would have it, I only needed to put in a half day last Friday. But wait, it gets better. I only needed to work in the morning, which left the rest of the day to me and my slightest whim. Since I commute to work via my bicycle, I decide to take the long way home and ride up into the coastal mountains. Spring has been making a nice showing and I was wondering what things looked like at higher elevations. The vehicle traffic was relatively light on the climb and along the ridge. I wished I had brought along my SLR instead of my little point a shoot. Redwood and Coastal Live Oak trees on both sides of the road. Tall fields of bright greens grasses and wildflowers everywhere. What a nice way to "commute" home from work on a Friday.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

One Way or Another...

I had some time this afternoon to do a short hike near our place. There is a small creek and a hill nearby where I like taking a stroll when ever I have the time. I take my camera along with me because I know there will always be an opportunity waiting to present itself.

As expected, I happen upon a fitting subject. It seems I cannot pass up a Dandelion without taking at least a half dozen images. I can remember as a child picking these seed heads and like making a wish, blowing all the little seeds into the wind. After looking over all the images from the day, I settled on this image in B-W.

While wandering along the path to The Creek, my thoughts drifted as they always do. I pondered the question, "Would I want to pass away sooner and leave behind all my friends and those I love?" Or, "Would I wish to live a long and healthy life only to see all my friends and those I love pass away. And then be buried by strangers who never knew or cared about me?" Neither of these choices are very appealing. A rhetorical question to be sure .

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pain in the Rain

This could have been posted earlier, but I only recently started this endeavor.

Some thoughts from February of 2009. We were growing tired of the cold rain and gray skies. To top it off our favorite fungi failed to appear in the usual spots. A fresh warm bowl of mushroom soup would have helped levitate our mood during the wet season, but this was not to be. Longing for warm sunny days with bright blue skies we impatiently awaited the arrival of Spring.