Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Something New

 It's been a while since I posted any recent images. So, since I'm sort of convalescing after a recent fall from my bicycle. I have some idle time on my hands. Below are a series of images I've taken on recent walks over to and back from Rancho San Antonio. I've even entered three of the images in the Midpenninsula Open Space photo contest. I should find out if I have been recognized sometime in August. Otherwise, only those who know of my blog can enjoy my images.

I'll start out by directing my/our attention up to the sky. Looking at the wonderful blue sky with lots of interesting clouds.

Next, will be some of the local critters we usually see during the warmer months when we visit the park.

This relative close-up of the lizard face is one of the images I submitted to the MedPen photo contest. The little thing just seems to have a kind of character in its expression.

I really like this image. It is simple in composition. And yet bold in color and contrast. I considered entering this image, but it was not recommended by my small group of voters.

This is another image I like for the same reasons. But, once again, it was not picked by the small panel of voters I asked to judge the potential images I wanted to submit. So, it didn't make the first primary.

This image was chosen by the entire group as an image I should submit. The lighting and subject seemed to inspire a yes vote from everyone.

I have a thing about getting up close and appreciating the details in the image. I like the color, the shadows, and the feel of depth in this image. But, it didn't pass the panel of voters.

This image and the next two images show my fascination with droplets of water. To me, those little droplets appear as tiny, ethereal gems that materialize out of thin air.

Come on now. Isn't that just fascinating?

I couldn't let this one pass by. It's another of my reflections on the surface of water in a creek images. I just like these images. They are so real and yet they seem to look like abstract art at the same time.

I used my macro lens to capture this image. The little bug is probably no more than 6-7mm long. Yet it totally commands the subject of this image.

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? That phrase comes to my mind every time is see one of these seed heads. This first image has almost half the little seeds missing. They've been scattered by the wind or they were disturbed by some passerby.

Here is another one almost entirely intact. At least for the moment. I liked this image so much, I thought it would be fun to push the editing a little over the line.

So, I cranked up the contrast and color saturation. Just to give it a bit of a Punk culture look. It's not the same image as the one above. But, I liked this one enough to play around with it.