I know. I know. This seems to be a recurring theme with me. I just can't help myself. I find these images so compelling that I keep adding more.
I'll start off with the undulating reflections on the surface of water in a small stream. I shot this one in color, but I thought it had more of an impact if I converted it to black and white. Many cameras simply refer to this as Monochrome.
In another, even smaller stream, I noticed some bubbles had formed in the vortex of the current in the stream.
Once again, I just couldn't ignore it and walk by. So, in this post, those images went.
Oh, but I couldn't stop here. The motivation is strong and there's so much more to share.
By using my Macro lens, I was able to get down even closer. I noticed some dew drops had formed on some tiny plants.
A little further along on my walk, I noticed a ground cover spider web covered with really small dew drops. As I approached the web with the Sun over my shoulder, I noticed a kind of rainbow effect in the water droplets. So, I tried to see if I could capture this color bias if I moved in really close to the droplets.
I couldn't quite get the effect I was hoping for. But, it still looked so cool. Then I came upon a sort of tunnel-shaped web. There didn't seem to be any occupant, but I still felt compelled to move in really close.
I'll hit the pause button on this theme for a while. Until I, once again, feel compelled to upload more images to share.