I know things change over time. I won't start saying those stereotypical phrases one expects to hear from an old person. Something like, "Back in my day." Or, "This younger generation is ruining things."
Nope. Not going to do that. It is my belief that the current state of affairs is primarily due to the contributions of my generation. I remember how the internet was going to be a terrific thing. It was going to democratize the spreading of information. No longer would oppressive governments stifle the truth about what was really going on if that truth contradicted what that government wanted the general public to know.
Now, the internet has become both a wealth of information and a cesspool of disinformation. All at the same time. It is possible to do a search and actually learn something you may not have already known. Or, you could fall down the proverbial rabbit hole of one-sided political views or outright fabrication of information. Constructed in such a way as to provide confirmation bias to support such ideologies.
Combine that with a large swath of the electorate who are both gullible and unwilling to accept accurate information as truth, if it conflicts with their staunch preset beliefs or idologies. Then they elect into office individuals who are either no more able to sort fact from fiction than the electorate or they are so self-motivated that they play upon the beliefs of whatever demographic numbers can keep or put them into office.
In short, a phrase comes to mind. The blind leading the blind.